
[Important] Please be sure to read [Notice from Panestore]

■Incorrect address→Shipping will be delayed by 3 days.■
If the address is incorrect, an error will be occurred in issuing the invoice, and we will not be able to ship out as scheduled.
Please note that it requires the rescheduling delivery arrangement, and it will be scheduled 3-4 days later than the original shipping date.
Please check the address before confirming your order and make sure if there are no errors or omissions.

How to order

From the product page of your choice, please select the item you want to buy and enter the quantity to add to the shopping cart. You will receive a confirmation email to your registered email address when your order is complete.

If you do not receive an email after a while, please check your spam folder or check the order status from your order history.

How to pay

●We accept the following credit cards


If your credit card is declined for any reason, we will notify you of this and request to change your credit card information, payment method, or cancel your order.

※You may be asked to confirm your identity (by phone or other means) when you place your order.
※We do not accept credit cards under a different name.
※Due to the function of the payment system, we do not issue credit card slips.

●Cash on delivery

【Delivery service】Sagawa Express
【Note】We will send you an email containing your total payment information after you place your order.
Please pay the shipping fee to the delivery person upon receipt of the delivered item.
【Shipping fee table】 National flat fee: 330yen

Bulk purchase Rules: Even if you order more than one item per delivery address, the COD (Cash on Delivery) charges will be the same as in the price list above
This price includes consumption tax.
Designated logistic (Sagawa Express)

●If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please contact us by email.


Free shipping on all purchases over 10,000 yen excluding tax!

Delivery Service (other than cash on delivery) Seibu Unyu SSX or Sagawa Express (We will choose the cheapest one to ship.)
Delivery fee starts at 550 yen and differs depending on regions and product sizes
Delivery Service (cash on delivery) Sagawa Express
Delivery fee starts at 770 yen and differs depending on regions and product sizes
Mail and Necopos service Yamato Transport Co. Ltd
flat fee: 275 yen per shipment (Size restrictions apply)

Shipping Fees

Delivery Service (other than cash on delivery)

エリア 都道府県 60サイズ 100サイズ 140サイズ 240サイズ
北海道 北海道 1,320円 1,936円 2,400円 2,750円
北東北 青森県・岩手県・秋田県 990円 1,045円 2,400円 2,750円
南東北 宮城県・山形県・福島県 880円 1,045円 1,045円 1,045円
関東 茨城県・栃木県・群馬県・埼玉県・千葉県・東京都・神奈川県・山梨県 550円 550円 550円 550円
信越・北陸 新潟県・富山県・石川県・福井県・長野県 550円 550円 550円 550円
中部 岐阜県・静岡県・愛知県・三重県 550円 550円 550円 550円
関西 滋賀県・京都府・大阪府・兵庫県・奈良県・和歌山県 550円 550円 550円 550円
中四国 鳥取県・島根県・岡山県・広島県・山口県・徳島県・香川県・愛媛県・高知県 550円 550円 550円 550円
九州 福岡県・佐賀県・長崎県・熊本県・大分県・宮崎県・鹿児島県 990円 1,606円 2,069円 2,200円
沖縄 沖縄 2,530円 3,570円 3,685円 8,970円

Delivery Service (cash on delivery)

エリア 都道府県 60サイズ 100サイズ 140サイズ 240サイズ
北海道 北海道 1,320円 1,936円 2,2399円 10,065円
北東北 青森県・岩手県・秋田県 990円 1,606円 2,069円 7,425円
南東北 宮城県・山形県・福島県 880円 1,496円 1,959円 6,600円
関東 茨城県・栃木県・群馬県・埼玉県・千葉県・東京都・神奈川県・山梨県 770円 1,386円 1,849円 6,380円
信越 新潟県・長野県 770円 1,386円 1,849円 5,170円
北陸 富山県・石川県・福井県 770円 1,386円 1,849円 4,895円
中部 岐阜県・静岡県・愛知県・三重県 770円 1,386円 1,849円 4,895円
関西 滋賀県・京都府・大阪府・兵庫県・奈良県・和歌山県 770円 1,386円 1,849円 4,895円
中国 鳥取県・島根県・岡山県・広島県・山口県 880円 1,496円 1,959円 5,830円
四国 徳島県・香川県・愛媛県・高知県 990円 1,606円 2,069円 5,830円
九州 福岡県・佐賀県・長崎県・大分県 990円 1,606円 2,069円 6,325円
九州 熊本県・宮崎県・鹿児島県 990円 1,606円 2,069円 7,315円
沖縄 沖縄 2,546円 3,565円 3,667円 8,963円

Mail Service

Delivery service Yamato Transport Co. Ltd
Service Type Nekopos
Delivery rate 275 yen tax inclusive ( Flat rate thoughtout Japan)
Delivery If it doesn’t fit in your mailbox, it will be taken back by the delivery driver.
Shipping size Maximum:square A4 size (Length:31.2cm Width:22.8cm)Within 2.5 cm thick , Up to 1 kg
※Please refer to each item’s name and product page to find out if you can send it by Necopos. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
※Shipping availability is subject to change depending on the number of items and their combination.
Cash on Delivery not avaialble
Delivery time and date can not be specified
Delivery rate list 275 yen tax inclusive ( Flat rate thoughtout Japan)

※This price includes consumption tax.
※Additional shipping cost may apply for remote islands and some areas.

Consumption Tax

 In addition to the price of the product, you will be required to pay consumption tax and shipping charges.
【Consumption tax】10% (rounded up )

Return Policy

  • Please note that we do not accept returns at customer’s convenience.
  • Please make sure that you do not make a mistake in your order.
  • Contact information for initial defects.
    Email address:
    Return adress: 2-11 Ichirizuka, Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto
    Attention: Hiroyuki Kaneda